Managing the invisible

“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.” — Loren Eiseley

Fish tanks are living pieces of art.

They mesmerize adults and children with their colors, movement, and majesty. But behind the beauty is endless hours spent managing the tank. The success of the fish tank depends on your ability to control the one thing you can’t see: the water. 

The water dictates whether the sensitive Orange Spotted Filefish will thrive in your tank, or die within days. 

It’s all about the water.

Culture, like water to a fish, is invisible and generally goes unnoticed. Yet it's the most important factor for everything and everyone in it.

Culture, not money, is the reason that organizations can’t retain certain talent. 

Culture, is the reason organizations don't take risks.

Culture is the collective behaviors of organizations, both good and bad.

It’s all about the culture.