Organizational Homeostasis

The human body is at homeostasis if our body temp is at 37C, blood sugar is between 80 and 120 and blood pressure is between 90/60 and 120/80mmHg. Our bodies maintain homeostasis through a series of feedback loops that get triggered when we are outside of this range and are managed by control centers. This is all managed by the hypothalamus, the CEO of the control systems.

Staying chronically outside these ranges results in diseases and eventually death. 

This got me thinking. Do complex organizations also have homeostasis? If so, what are the healthy markers: Low attrition(<10 percent), Positive cash flow and NPS > 70. 

For your organization, division, team, or family:

  • What are the homeostatic measures

  • Are you currently at homeostasis?

  • What are the feedback systems in place to ensure you are in homeostasis?